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Marching Arts Show Designs

Welcome to our directory for all things marching!  Check out the links to find what's new in our marching music catalogue.

Marching Band Shows

We do not currently have any shows available for purchase.  Contact one of our marching arts specialists for a free consultation.  The Tune Locker supports its young artists in finding work as arrangers and sound designers in this highly niche activity.

Take me to the empty page anyway.

WGI - Indoor Percussion

Ditto.  A ton of #NewMusic is in the works, but don't expect this status to change until 2021.  We appreciate your patience as we build our company's catalogue.  Please refer to our talented artists to commission new indoor shows for your ensembles.

Still an empty page, but click away if you want!

Lot Tunes and Drumline Cadences

We have some bumpin' cadences on the way with one already out: "Skip" by Sean W. Simmons.

Be on the lookout for some new stuff set to drop soon!  Subscribe to our email list and follow us on social media to be the first to find out when a new tune is released!

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